Display: Propolis Lip Balm UV-15

Vain jälleenmyyjille

Propolis Lip Balm has a UV protection factor of 15. Nourishes and protects the lips naturally. Contains beeswax and propolis. Effectively helps with chapped lips. The display contains 30 lip balms.


Customer feedback: * Lip balm has managed to keep the fat in a sticky shape even in the summer. It has not drained or melted at all. * light cream * I often also like to grease around the lips and the “matte” of the grease is also good so that the area around the mouth does not shine too much 🙂 * I have also licked fat into a small skin lesion and I believe the product helped heal. So I put the cream on for the night. * moisturizes well and stays on the lips well.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg